Mike & Clark's 2023 Year-End Newsletter - ft. A Year In Us-Sies!

Seasons Greetings from Mike and Clark ! First a mea culpa if you did not receive our 2022 Holiday letter. It was only after we started getting a fair number of them returned to us that we realized that the city, state and zip code were missing from some of the mailing labels we had printed. “UNABLE TO DELIVER” snarled the hand-stamped response from the USPS. But by then daffodils were starting to bloom so we abandoned a resend effort in favor of correcting the problem this holiday season. If you get this, we’ve succeeded! Our 2023 began with the completion of a 6-month exterior renovation of our Richmond home, which we and our housemates and co-owners David & Cheryl Lederle-Ensign refer to as “3 Chimneys.” We were very pleased with the work and had only a few items remaining on the punch list when we made our final payment in late February. A mere ten days later, however, our contractor, Fabling Built, abruptly ceased operations leaving some 80 other projec...