
Showing posts from 2019

Overnight Oats - Lighter 5:2 Version

I became fascinated with the concept of overnight oats when everyone else did - 2015-ish when every cooking blog had how-to's about them.  I settled on about three recipes that we really liked and I used them - some were kind of gross and too rich and sweet for breakfast, i.e. peanut butter and chocolate overnight oats - 'nuff said.  I tweaked the original recipes and came up with a version that is much lower in calories than the original versions, and works with the 5:2 diet plan we're trying to make a go of again.  Overnight oats are easy to assemble the night before - or actually several nights before, I've made them as far as about 5 days in advance and they tasted fine. Also with these tweaks they only set you back about 180 kcals. 1/3 cup quick-cooking oatmeal 1 TBLS dry instant milk (Carnation was what I used) 1 TBLS Chia Seeds 1 TBLS dried fruit 1/4 tsp spice or flavoring 2 pkts Splenda (optional, but it really helps, and I don't find Splenda's ...