Okra and Tomato Soup

Hey - it's been a minute since my last post, but things are still going well. I hope to post more in the coming days, weeks, months and years. I have mentioned before that I have a kitchen garden that I try growing organic vegetables, I have had some luck with it. Okra is something that grows very well in the $#!%%y mid-Atlantic clay that I have in my Falls Church backyard. Okra also freezes very well, so I have a freezer section that is full of 2 cup (5 oz) portions of okra. Full disclosure - I LOVE OKRA, and I grew up in the deep South of the US where it is cooked a lot. Some are put off by the 'slimy' quality that okra can have. Having grown up with it I don't mind it - I like how it thickens anything it's added to, but some find it off-putting. You can cut some of this by par-boiling okra for 3 minutes by itself before you add it to anything, but, to me, you may as well just go and make something else. AmIRight? This 5-2 diet friendly soup is ...