Vegan Chili con Veggies

· Long time no post, it's been almost two years! Tempus sure does fugit, don't it! This is a vegan chili recipe, that I adapted from one on Epicurious. One thing that they don't specify in the other recipe is about the bulgar. Bulgar is a wheat groat that has been boiled and dried, it's used a lot in middle eastern and east European dishes. It has a sort of meat-like quality when it's added to this and other dishes, but if you cook it too long, it gets a bit mealy. So, cook the 1/2 cup of bulgar, according to the package directions, then just add it at the end. Bulgar is usually found in the grocery aisle with wild rice, quinoa, spelt, millet and other weird grains. I am not vegan, but I am really making a concerted effort to consume less meat in my diet. I am a committed omnivore. Don't judge. Anyway, I really like this. The barbeque sauce adds a nice sweetness. ...