2015 New Years Cocktail - The White Squirrel

OK, every year for the last several years, my spouse and I have rung in the new year with our dear friends, M and D. About 3 years ago we started including another couple, B and R. The six of us have season tickets to a local theater company, and always attend a Sunday matinee together then head out for a dinner somewhere afterward. So the six of us do this collaborative 5-course dinner for New Years Eve. This year I am responsible for the cocktail, the soup course and the seafood course. The cocktail always poses a quandary, these dinners are an endurance event, wine with each course so you can't get too liquored up during appetizers or you won't be able to enjoy the rest of dinner! Let's just say, it's happened. SO. I want to make something in the Cosmo-family of cocktails but not quite so boozy as a Cosmo - which are usually mixed with mostly vodka and cranberry juice dribbled in for color. I thought I would make a sweet clear cocktail using Citrus infus...